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Vaga Mama Cash Call For A Supervisory Board Member For The Oceania Region Para Bahia

Tempo Integral
      Bahia       15/03


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Mama Cash Call for a Supervisory Board member for the Oceania Region – Bahia


Mama Cash Call for a Supervisory Board member for the Oceania Region

  • Uur per week: 2,5-4

Mama Cash’s vision is that every woman, girl, and trans and intersex person has the power and resources to participate fully and equally in creating a peaceful, just and sustainable world. Our mission is to mobilise resources from individuals and institutions, make grants to self-led feminist organisations, and help to build the partnerships and networks needed to do their work of successfully defending and advancing women’s, girls’, and trans and intersex people’s human rights globally.

We support more than 130 organisations, networks and women’s funds annually. Since 1983, Mama Cash has distributed over 140 million euro in grants to women’s, girl’s, trans and intersex groups.

Mama Cash is governed by an international Supervisory Board, currently comprised of 10 members from around the world who together bring a range of skills and experience to the Mama Cash team. In line with our vision and mission, our governance structure and the composition and work of the Supervisory Board is driven by feminist values.

The role of the Supervisory Board is to provide strategic oversight and support to Mama Cash by supervising, advising, challenging and supporting the Co-Executive Directors/Managing Board and their team, and ensuring that the organisation fulfills its statutory duties and responsibilities. The Supervisory Board plays a key role in ensuring that Mama Cash maintains and delivers its vision, mission and strategic goals.

General responsibilities of Supervisory Board members include:

  • Serving a 3-year term, that can be extended for 2 subsequent terms;
  • Attending multi-day Board meetings (normally in the Netherlands where we are based) twice a year;
  • Participating in Board and Board Committee work throughout the year, including periodic online meetings and special events (10-15 hours per month);
  • Supervising and advising the Management Board (i.e. the Co-Executive Directors) on Mama Cash’s strategy, policies, and operational decisions;
  • Reviewing and approving (multi) annual plans, budgets, and accounts;
  • Supervising and advising the Management Board on Mama Cash’s overall strategy and approaches towards managing risk;
  • Overseeing governance and stimulating and ensuring openness and feminist accountability;
  • Selection and supervising the performance of our Co-Executive Directors;
  • Supporting fundraising and opening doors within our respective communities and region;
  • Participating in Board Committees (Audit and Risk, Governance and Nominations, Remuneration, and/or Fundraising) in coordination with the international Co-Chair so that at least one co-chair supports each committee.

Candidate Profile:

Mama Cash is currently seeking an exceptional individual from the Oceania region to join our Supervisory Board who will have the following qualifications and skills:

  • Specific skills and experience for this position:
  • Based in and from the Oceania region;
  • Able to bring regional political and feminist knowledge and perspectives to the Supervisory Board;
  • Strongly networked into national and regional feminist advocacy movements;
  • Deep knowledge and experience of grassroots and feminist organising;
  • In-depth understanding of funding priorities in the region and experience of funding work in larger organisations;
  • Knowledge and experience of intersectional principles;
  • Ideally has knowledge and experience of climate and environmental activism.

Skills expected of all Supervisory Board members:

  • Knowledge and skills in the area of feminist good governance and the work of Boards;
  • Commitment to Mama Cash’s mission, feminist values and intersectional principles;
  • Integrity and high ethical standards and the willingness and ability to bring a principled and compassionate approach to Board decision making;
  • Ability to translate feminist values and intersectional principles into everyday practice and to meet people where they are to work towards solutions;
  • Proactive and prepared to contribute to effective strategic decision-making and an ability to look at the big picture and maintain focus on Mama Cash’s goals;
  • Willingness and ability to work collectively as a team player and contribute towards building the Mama Cash Supervisory Board community;
  • Patient thinking and willingness to listen openly to others aware of own biases;
  • Ability to diagnose issues, think analytically and express and communicate thoughts and ideas clearly;
  • Ability and willingness to act as an ambassador for Mama Cash in diverse settings.

All Supervisory Board members are required to speak, read and write in English.

Service on the Supervisory Board is without compensation. Reimbursement is made for travel and other costs related to participation in meetings held twice yearly in the Netherlands.

If you think you fit this profile, we would love to hear from you. We particularly encourage girls and young people to apply. Please send your CV together with a letter of interest sharing how you fit the profile described here to Closing date for applications is September 2nd, 2024.

As part of our integrity process for employees, Supervisory Board members and volunteers, the appointed candidate will be required to go through a screening process.



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